What is Digital Marketing? How is it done? All Curious About Digital Marketing
No business today, of any scale, can ignore a world without borders like digital marketing. It’s a world where all your potential customers are there and you have the chance to introduce yourself to all these customers or to supply them with a product they need, when they want it. Moreover, you are the boss in this world, so you can determine how many people you will reach, in what way, at what cost and for how long. Moreover, your expenses are completely under your control, you can increase or decrease them whenever you want. So far everything is perfect. But there is a serious problem in this world that you cannot ignore. Your opponents are also in this world and they are ready to compete very hard with you. Both local and global competitors. So what will you do?
As Albert Einstein said, you will first learn the rules of the game, and then play better than anyone else.
The guide you are about to read has been prepared to be a resource for those who want to learn about the basics of digital marketing and those who want to reinforce their existing knowledge. Throughout the article, you can get detailed information about digital marketing tools as well as the definition and benefits of digital marketing. Hope it is useful…
What is Digital Marketing?
Early approaches to digital marketing in the late 1990s and early 2000s defined digital marketing first as a projection of traditional marketing tools and strategies on the internet, and then as a sub-branch of traditional marketing, which were completely wrong approaches. While there are major intersections in the nature of marketing, digital marketing was a magical entity where brands could combine personalization and mass distribution to achieve their goals. The development of technology has introduced this formation to every home in the world.
According to December 2021 data, the world population is approximately 8 billion, the number of individual mobile phone users is 5.5 billion, the number of internet users is 6 billion, and the number of active social media users is almost 5 billion. Daily Internet use between the ages of 16-64 is exactly 7 hours!
Since our inception as Gray Penguin Digital Marketing, we have come across marketers and business owners who use the term “digital marketing” simply as “our website” or “our Facebook page”. This approach limits the scope and impact of managed tools, and means missing opportunities when properly managed.
So, what is digital marketing?
In its simplest definition, digital marketing is the marketing of products or services to potential customers using digital channels. In other words, it is the whole of marketing activities involving electronic devices. The channels used are all digital platforms, including social media, mobile applications, e-mail, web applications, search engines, websites or digital channels such as radio and television.
An effective digital marketing activity includes the use of all tools such as social media management, search engine optimization, social media, digital advertising, content marketing, e-mail marketing for the same purpose, within an effective strategy, as a whole.
However, this whole must be determined within a plan, a strategy. So digital marketing strategy…
What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?
As we mentioned above, growing a business today depends on online marketing activities. The success of online marketing activities also depends on a good digital marketing strategy. An online marketing strategy helps you grow your company by driving more valuable traffic to your page and gaining more leads that convert.
A marketing strategy is a plan to achieve the goal (or objectives) associated with certain marketing activities. A digital marketing strategy helps your business achieve specific digital goals through online marketing channels. A good digital marketing strategy sets your goals, defines your target audience accordingly, analyzes the target market, examines your competitors, makes a perfect SWOT analysis of your business, determines the ideal customer profile, then defines digital marketing channels and how your potential customers can shop from you.
Well, after the digital marketing strategy is determined, where to start digital marketing, how is it done?
How is Digital Marketing Done?
As mentioned above, the “Digital Marketing Strategy” provides a framework that specifies which online marketing channels you should use and how to achieve the right goals. The next action plan (often called a “digital marketing plan”) allows you to successfully create and launch your online marketing strategy within that strategy.
The digital marketing plan is an action plan in line with the digital marketing strategy, which determines the intermediate goals of the company in order to achieve the final goals in the digital environment, defines in which channel, with which tool, how and when the actions will be taken.

To give a simple example, the use of the Linkedin channel, the final target audience, the final goal and the result to be achieved, the budget and time to be spent on this channel are the subject of the digital marketing strategy. The digital marketing plan, on the other hand, determines in which months, with which campaigns, with which advertising models, with which content, in what form and how often, in line with the budget allocated for LinkedIn. In other words, the strategy determines the framework, and what will be done within this framework is the digital marketing plan.
To carry out a digital marketing activity, it is necessary to know digital marketing tools and platforms well. If we go through the same example, LinkedIn is a platform, the advertising work or account management carried out here is also a digital marketing tool. Without further ado, let’s move on to digital marketing tools.
How is Digital Marketing Done?
As mentioned above, the “Digital Marketing Strategy” provides a framework that specifies which online marketing channels you should use and how to achieve the right goals. The next action plan (often called a “digital marketing plan”) allows you to successfully create and launch your online marketing strategy within that strategy.
The digital marketing plan is an action plan in line with the digital marketing strategy, which determines the intermediate goals of the company in order to achieve the final goals in the digital environment, defines in which channel, with which tool, how and when the actions will be taken.
To give a simple example, the use of the Linkedin channel, the final target audience, the final goal and the result to be achieved, the budget and time to be spent on this channel are the subject of the digital marketing strategy. The digital marketing plan, on the other hand, determines in which months, with which campaigns, with which advertising models, with which content, in what form and how often, in line with the budget allocated for LinkedIn. In other words, the strategy determines the framework, and what will be done within this framework is the digital marketing plan.
To carry out a digital marketing activity, it is necessary to know digital marketing tools and platforms well. If we go through the same example, LinkedIn is a platform, the advertising work or account management carried out here is also a digital marketing tool. Without further ado, let’s move on to digital marketing tools.
What are Digital Marketing Tools?
Known as the most modern marketing method, digital marketing is one of the types of marketing used to analyze the comprehensive performance of a campaign and decide on future strategies. Therefore, digital marketing needs digital tools to organize and measure any campaign activity.
On the other hand, which digital marketing tool to use and how will vary depending on your brand, business, targeted audiences, budget and ultimately your goal.
So, what is a digital marketing tool? How many digital marketing tools are there? How to use digital marketing tools?
Your website is one of the most important digital marketing tools. Often the most important! Whether you are selling a product or marketing a service, a website that is mobile-friendly, well-optimized, supported by content marketing, and perfectly analyzed with tools such as Google Analytics or Yandex Metrics is the most important building block on the way to your goal. The slightest glitch in your website will cause other digital marketing tools to not perform well, which will be detailed below.
In short, your website must be attractive; but it should also be functional and save you money. By clicking on the link, you can also get information about common mistakes when buying web design services.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
To have an idea about search engine optimization, it is necessary to first understand how search engines work. As we all know, a search engine is a web-based program that collects content from content providers, namely websites, on the internet, then organizes and presents them. It regularly visits the pages of all content providers such as websites and blogs on the Internet via a “bot” (automatic web browser) and scans the information contained in them. It also archives the scanned data and indexes it according to certain criteria.
More than 90% of people who want to buy a product or service usually start by using a search engine. Did you know that nearly 100,000 queries are made on Google every second? Considering that people use search engines for almost every industry, from shopping to entertainment, the opportunities for businesses are huge!
This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine shows the pages on your site as the best results to searchers with keywords related to your business. Search engine optimization often goes hand in hand with content marketing.
Search engine optimization is a detailed study aimed at bringing the entire site to the standards demanded by search engines, not making minor adjustments to some parts of any website. Therefore, SEO is divided into three: on-site optimization, off-site optimization and technical optimization.
If you are wondering how to rank higher in organic search results, you can learn about our SEO services.
Example 1: The first result in the image below is an example of SEM or PPC, while the second result below is an example of SEO, or search engine optimization. When the URL in the second result (blog/content/men-fashion) is examined, it is seen that the company is in the 1st place organically with content marketing. That’s why using all digital marketing tools as a whole, simultaneously, provides a unique advantage.

Content Marketing
Content Marketing, also called Content Marketing, is to produce content within a certain strategy to increase organic website traffic from the target audience and then make targeted action for this audience. The content can be a video, an article or infographic files. It helps the target audience choose you in the awareness, evaluation and decision stages. It gives impressive results when used with SEO! Moreover, Content Marketing is generally more cost-effective than other forms of marketing and brings about 3 times more leads.
For example, a consumer who needs a new sneaker can learn what features a running shoe should have, how they perform and at what price, thanks to content marketing, and can buy from you thanks to the guidance offered by your brand.
Example 2: Both the 1st result and the 2nd result in the image below are a good example of content marketing. On the other hand, listing both the 1st and 2nd place organically in the “how to choose a dental unit” query shows that a very successful work has been done in terms of SEO. This example also expresses the importance of using all digital marketing tools as a whole, simultaneously.

Social Media Marketing
Today, your potential customers, regardless of age, are highly dependent on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. For example, according to 2021 data, there are 60 million active social media users in Turkey. These 60 million people spend an average of 3 hours a day on social media. Therefore, social media is one of the most important channels among digital marketing tools.
In its simplest definition, Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your target audience to build your brand, increase your sales and website traffic. This includes everything a business does through social media channels. Social media marketing, which requires an integrated and strategic approach, goes far beyond creating posts and responding to comments on social media channels. It requires a mix of creative thinking and objective and data-driven strategy. That’s why brands that work with professional agencies stand out much more easily than their competitors.
Social media marketing covers not only the management of social media channels but also social media advertising. Social media advertising is another branch of digital marketing where paid advertising campaigns are run on social media platforms to reach target audiences.

If you want to be a few steps ahead of your competitors by always looking for better practices, we would be pleased to meet you.